Self-Service Adobe CC in Munki

Some Context

The following section is primarily a “state of the world” discussion of current Adobe licensing and deployment methods. If you’d rather skip the wall of text and go straight to the technical details, click here.

Among the many common tasks of a Munki admin, dealing with Adobe will be one that consistently generates sighs, groans, and binge drinking. Veteran Munki admins are no stranger to the constant supply of hilarity provided by deploying Adobe packages, and it’s a common topic of discussion.  As of writing time, there are 697 results for “Adobe” on Munki-Dev.

The Munki wiki itself has pages devoted to handling Adobe products all the way back to CS3.  I wrote a significant chunk of the current wiki page on handling Adobe CC, and that was back when the 2015 versions were the first CC products to deal with.

Now, of course, it’s all changed again as Adobe has introduced new “hyperdrive” style packages from Creative Cloud Packager (CCP), which required yet more work from the Munki developers to accommodate. While the actual installer package might be slightly more sane and operate slightly faster, the overall process for generating and deploying them hasn’t changed much.

As you might infer from all of this, packaging, preparing, and deploying Adobe software has been an ongoing struggle, with no signs of lightening up.

Licensing Is My Favorite Thing, Just Like Sausage Made Of Balsa Wood

For the release of the Adobe CC products, Adobe also introduced a new licensing style – “named” as opposed to the previous “serialized.” CCP allowed you to generate packages that would install the products in either Named or Serialized format, but they required completely different work on the backend.

“Serialized” Adobe products are what most admins are used to, and most admins are likely deploying, due to the Byzantine nature of Adobe licensing for enterprises.

From a technical point of view, though, “Serialized” is a simple concept – you install the product itself, and then you install the license as well. The license on the computer is an opaque black box that Adobe manages that determines what software is or isn’t allowed to run, or maybe will expire in 32,767 days. When you install new products, you reapply the license. Simple in concept.

Oh, except for the part where uninstalling a single serialized product would remove the license for all serialized products.

What’s In A Name?

“Named” licenses are also simple in concept, and actually more simple in execution as well. A “named” license product is only available to a user via an Adobe ID, through the Creative Cloud Desktop App (CCDA). This requires a fundamentally different licensing agreement with Adobe than “serialized” licenses, which is why most Munki admins and Apple techs in general don’t have much control over it – we aren’t usually the ones who sign the Dump Trucks Full Of Money™ agreements with vendors. Someone in Upper Management™ usually makes those decisions, and often without any input from the people who have to do the bulk of the work.

If you’re lucky enough to have an ETLA style agreement with Adobe, or Creative Cloud For Teams, you can probably use “named” licenses. The fun part is that you can have license agreements for both “named” and “serialized”, either together, or separate, that may expire or require renewal at different times.

The good news, though, is that “named” licensing doesn’t really require that much extra work. There’s no license package that needs to be installed on the client, and Adobe’s CCDA basically does all the work for determining what software users are allowed to use. From a technical standpoint, this is much easier for both users and IT operators, because there’s just less surface area for things to go wrong.


With “named” licensing and the CCDA, there aren’t real “releases” anymore. Rather than releasing yearly (or more) product cycles like the old “Creative Suite” 1-6, product changes are released in smaller increments more regularly, and the CCDA keeps things up to date without the admins having to necessarily rebuild packages every time.

Although there’s no official word on this, my suspicion (and this is entirely my personal opinion) is that “serialized” licensing will eventually disappear. We’re already seeing products released only on CCDA via named licensing (Adobe Experience Manager), which to me sounds like a death knell for the old “build serial packages and send them off” system.

So if you read the writing on the wall that way, the future for building serialized packages via CCP seems grim (as if the present use of CCP wasn’t already dystopian enough). I’m frustrated enough with CCP, Adobe packages, and “Adobe setup error 79” that I’m actually looking forward to a named-license only environment.

But of course, we don’t want to lose the functionality we get with Munki. Allowing users to decide what software they get and allowing them to pick things on-demand is one of the most useful features of Munki itself!

Now that I’ve spent 800 words covering the context, let’s talk about implementation.

Craft Your Casus Belli, Claim Your Rightful Domain

The ultimate goal of this process is to set up named licensing, get our users loaded or synced up into it, and provide access to the software entitlements we’ve paid for.

There’s lots of ways to go about this, but as is Facebook custom, we like solving problems by over-engineering the living daylights out of them. So my methodology is to try and set up all the pieces I need for self service by utilizing Adobe’s User Management API. We want this process to be as user-driven as possible, mostly so that I don’t have to do all the work.

The Org-Specific Technical Stuff

If you aren’t already familiar with it, the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard is the central location for managing Adobe named licenses. In order to maximize our integration, we want to use Federated IDs, where accounts are linked to our Active Directory (AD) infra. There’s various pros and cons to this, but if you’ve already got an AD + SAML setup, this is a good use case for it.

Step one in this phase of the process is Claiming Your Domain, where we claim ownership over the domain matching the email addresses we expect our users to authenticate with. This does require submitting a claim to Adobe, and they verify it and provide a TXT record that must be served by your outward-facing DNS (so Adobe can verify that you own the domain you say you do).

Once your domain is claimed and set up, we wanted to utilize our Single Sign On (SSO) capability. Adobe uses Okta to connect to an SAML 2.0-compatible SSO environment, so you and the team that manages your identity settings will need to do some work with Adobe to make that work.

The details of this process are documented in the links above, and is generally specific to your organization, so there’s no need to go into details here.

Learning To Fly (with the API)

Despite me covering it in three paragraphs, the above section took me the most amount of work – mostly because so much that was out of my control. Once you get past the difficult setup phase, the implementation of the User Management API becomes relatively painless – if you’re familiar with Python.

The good news is that the API is very thoroughly documented.

In order to utilize the API, you need a few pieces:

  • A certificate registered in the API
  • The private key for the cert for the API to auth with
  • The domain variables provided by the API certificate tool
  • Three custom Python modules – pyjwt, requests, cryptography
  • Python (2 or 3) – system Python is fine

Certified Genius

First, you’ll need to set up a new Integration in the Adobe I/O portal.

If you don’t have a certificate and its private key already available, you can generate a self-signed one:

$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate_pub.crt

You can then upload this cert into the Adobe I/O portal.

Adobe doesn’t actually verify the cert for anything except confirmation that the private key and public key match, so there’s no technical reason in terms of the API why you can’t keep using it. It’s always a good practice to use a real certificate, but for initial testing, this works just fine.

Upload the cert to your Integration, and it’ll provide you with the values you’ll need for crafting your config file below.

Once you’ve got a cert and the private key, you can start writing the API script.


Adobe’s sample scripts are quite thorough, and they use Python, which works perfectly for Mac admins. The downside, though, is that you’ll need to install three custom modules on any client who is going to use this script to access your API.

There’s a couple of ways to handle this, so it’s up to you to decide which one you want to pursue.

You can do it via pip:

sudo /usr/bin/python -m ensurepip
sudo /usr/bin/python -m pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade requests
sudo /usr/bin/python -m pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade pyjwt
sudo /usr/bin/python -m pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade cryptography

You can download the source for each of those modules and build it manually, and then copy the built modules into a central location on the client where you can load them:

cd PyJWT-1.4.2
python build

Whatever method you prefer to use, you need to be able to run the Python interpreter and import each of those modules (specifically jwt and requests) successfully to use the API sample scripts.

The Config File

Next up is the crafting of your config file:

host =
endpoint = /v2/usermanagement
ims_host =
ims_endpoint_jwt = /ims/exchange/jwt

domain = my domain
org_id = my organization id
api_key = my api key/client id
client_secret = my api client secret
tech_acct = my api client technical account
priv_key_filename = my private key filename from above

The values for the [enterprise] section are all provided by the Integration when you upload the cert you created.

For example, for Facebook, it might look something like this:

domain = facebook
org_id = ABC123@AdobeOrg
api_key = abc123
client_secret = abc-123-456
tech_acct =
priv_key_filename = private.key

The priv_key_filename must simply be the name (not the path!) of the file that contains your private key that you generated earlier.

Start Your Script

Most of the start of this script is ripped straight from the samples page:

"""Adobe API tools."""
import sys
import time
import json
import os
import jwt
import requests
except ImportError:
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib import quote
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from urllib.parse import urlencode

The good news is that this (theoretically) works in both Python 2 or 3 (NOTE: I have not tested this in Python 3).

The initial part of the script just gets us the setup we need to make calls later. We’ll use jwt to create the JSON Web Token (which itself uses cryptography to use the “RS256” hashing algorithm to sign the token with the private key), and requests to make it easy to send GET and POST requests to the API endpoint.

You could write your own GET/POST tools, or use urllib2 or any pure Python method of accomplishing the same thing; requests isn’t technically a requirement. It just dramatically simplifies the process, and Adobe’s sample code uses it, so I decided to stick with their solution for now.

The Config Data

Before we can use the API, we’ll need to set up all the required variables and create the access token, the JSON web token, and the config data read from the file we created earlier. The Adobe sample documentation does this directly in a script, but I wanted to make it a bit more modular (i.e. I use functions).  It’s a little bit cleaner this way.

First, let’s parse the private key and user config:

def get_private_key(priv_key_filename):
"""Retrieve private key from file."""
priv_key_file = open(priv_key_filename)
priv_key =
return priv_key
def get_user_config(filename=None):
"""Retrieve config data from file."""
# read configuration file
config = RawConfigParser()
config_dict = {
# server parameters
'host': config.get("server", "host"),
'endpoint': config.get("server", "endpoint"),
'ims_host': config.get("server", "ims_host"),
'ims_endpoint_jwt': config.get("server", "ims_endpoint_jwt"),
# enterprise parameters used to construct JWT
'domain': config.get("enterprise", "domain"),
'org_id': config.get("enterprise", "org_id"),
'api_key': config.get("enterprise", "api_key"),
'client_secret': config.get("enterprise", "client_secret"),
'tech_acct': config.get("enterprise", "tech_acct"),
'priv_key_filename': config.get("enterprise", "priv_key_filename"),
return config_dict

Next, we’ll need to craft the JSON web token, which needs to be fed the config data we read from the file earlier, and signed with the private key:

def prepare_jwt_token(config_data, priv_key):
"""Construct the JSON Web Token for auth."""
# set expiry time for JSON Web Token
expiry_time = int(time.time()) + 60 * 60 * 24
# create payload
payload = {
"exp": expiry_time,
"iss": config_data['org_id'],
"sub": config_data['tech_acct'],
"aud": "https://" + config_data['ims_host'] + "/c/" +
"https://" + config_data['ims_host'] + "/s/" + "ent_user_sdk": True
# create JSON Web Token
jwt_token = jwt.encode(payload, priv_key, algorithm='RS256')
# decode bytes into string
jwt_token = jwt_token.decode("utf-8")
return jwt_token

Yes, thank you, I realize “jwt_token” is redundant now that I look at it, but I’m not changing my code, dangit.

With the JWT available, we can craft the access token. This is where requests really comes in handy:

def prepare_access_token(config_data, jwt_token):
"""Generate the access token."""
# Method parameters
url = "https://" + config_data['ims_host'] + config_data['ims_endpoint_jwt']
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache"
body_credentials = {
"client_id": config_data['api_key'],
"client_secret": config_data['client_secret'],
"jwt_token": jwt_token
body = urlencode(body_credentials)
# send http request
res =, headers=headers, data=body)
# evaluate response
if res.status_code == 200:
# extract token
access_token = json.loads(res.text)["access_token"]
return access_token
# print response
return None

With all of these functions ready, it’s really easy to combine them together in a single convenient generate_config() function, which can be used by other public functions to handle all the messy work. The purpose of this function is to load up the config data and private key from a specific location on disk (rather than having to continually paste all of this into the Python interpreter).

def generate_config(userconfig=None, private_key_filename=None):
"""Return tuple of necessary config data."""
# Get userconfig data
if userconfig:
user_config_path = userconfig
# user_config_path = raw_input('Path to config file: ')
user_config_path = '/opt/facebook/adobeapi_usermanagement.config'
if not os.path.isfile(str(user_config_path)):
print('Management config not found!')
# Get private key
if private_key_filename:
priv_key_path = private_key_filename
# priv_key_path = raw_input('Path to private key: ')
priv_key_path = '/opt/facebook/adobeapi_private.key'
if not os.path.isfile(str(priv_key_path)):
print('Private key not found!')
priv_key = get_private_key(priv_key_path)
# Get config data
config_data = get_user_config(user_config_path)
# Get the JWT
jwt_token = prepare_jwt_token(config_data, priv_key)
# Get the access token
access_token = prepare_access_token(config_data, jwt_token)
if not access_token:
print("Access token failed!")
return (config_data, jwt_token, access_token)

Here, we’ve simply stored the private key and config file in /opt/facebook for easy retrieval. Feel free to replace this path with anything you like. The idea is that these two files – the private key and the config file – will be present on all the client systems that will be making these API calls.

Our config functions are all set up and good to go, so now it’s time to write the functions to actually interact with the Adobe API itself.

Let’s Ask the API For Some Data

All of the Adobe API queries use common headers in their requests. To save ourselves some time, and avoiding having to retype the same thing repeatedly, let’s use a convenient function to return the headers we need:

def headers(config_data, access_token):
"""Return the headers needed."""
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"x-api-key": config_data['api_key'],
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
return headers

Now we have all the config pieces we need, let’s ask for some important pieces of data from the API – the product configuration list, the user list, and data about a specific user.

def _product_list(config_data, access_token):
"""Get the list of product configurations."""
page = 0
result = {}
productlist = []
while result.get('lastPage', False) is not True:
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/groups/" + config_data['org_id'] + "/" + str(page)
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers(config_data, access_token))
if res.status_code == 200:
# print(res.status_code)
# print(res.headers)
# print(res.text)
result = json.loads(res.text)
productlist += result.get('groups', [])
page += 1
return productlist
def _user_list(config_data, access_token):
"""Get a list of all users."""
page = 0
result = {}
userlist = []
while result.get('lastPage', False) is not True:
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/users/" + config_data['org_id'] + "/" + str(page)
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers(config_data, access_token))
if res.status_code == 200:
# print(res.status_code)
# print(res.headers)
# print(res.text)
result = json.loads(res.text)
userlist += result.get('users', [])
page += 1
return userlist
def _user_data(config_data, access_token, username):
"""Get the data for a given user."""
userlist = _user_list(config_data, access_token)
for user in userlist:
if user['email'] == username:
return user
return {}

In order to control how much data is sent back from these queries (which can result in rather large sets of data), Adobe automatically paginates each request. These two functions both start at page 0 and continue to loop until the resulting request contains lastPage = True. Just keep in mind each individual request will only give you a subset of the data.

With a list of product configurations, a list of all users, and the ability to ask for data on any specific user, we actually have nearly all of the data we’ll ever need. Rather than combining these pieces ourselves, we can also query some more specifics.

Here’s how to get a list of all users who currently have a specific product configuration entitlement:

def _users_of_product(config_data, product_config_name, access_token):
"""Get a list of users of a specific configuration."""
page = 0
result = {}
userlist = []
while result.get('lastPage', False) is not True:
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/users/" + config_data['org_id'] + "/" + str(page) + "/" + \
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers(config_data, access_token))
if res.status_code == 200:
# print(res.status_code)
# print(res.headers)
# print(res.text)
result = json.loads(res.text)
userlist += result.get('users', [])
page += 1
return userlist

With that data, it’s also easy to get a list of all products a given user has:

def _products_per_user(config_data, access_token, username):
"""Return a list of products assigned to user."""
user_info = _user_data(config_data, access_token, username)
return user_info.get('groups', [])

Enough Asking, It’s Time For Some Action!

With the above code, we’ve got the ability to ask for just about all the available data that we might care about. Now it’s time to start making some requests to the API that will allow us to make changes.

Hello, Goodbye, Mr. User

The obvious first choice here is the ability to create and remove a user. When I say “create a user”, I really mean “add a federated ID to our domain.” This is different than creating an Adobe ID (and see the links far above to see Adobe’s explanation of the difference between account types). Adobe does provide documentation for creating both types of accounts.

def _add_federated_user(
config_data, access_token, email, country, firstname, lastname
"""Add user to domain."""
add_dict = {
'user': email,
'do': [
'createFederatedID': {
'email': email,
'country': country,
'firstname': firstname,
'lastname': lastname,
body = json.dumps([add_dict])
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/action/" + config_data['org_id']
res =
headers=headers(config_data, access_token),
if res.status_code != 200:
results = json.loads(res.text)
if results.get('notCompleted') == 1:
print("Not completed!")
return False
if results.get('completed') == 1:
return True
def _remove_user_from_org(config_data, access_token, user):
"""Remove user from organization."""
add_dict = {
'user': user,
'do': [
'removeFromOrg': {}
body = json.dumps([add_dict])
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/action/" + config_data['org_id']
res =
headers=headers(config_data, access_token),
if res.status_code != 200:
results = json.loads(res.text)
if results.get('notCompleted') == 1:
print("Not completed!")
return False
if results.get('completed') == 1:
return True

You Get An Entitlement, YOU Get An Entitlement!

The next obvious choice is adding and removing product configurations to and from users:

def _add_product_to_user(config_data, products, user, access_token):
"""Add product config to user."""
add_dict = {
'user': user,
'do': [
'add': {
'product': products
body = json.dumps([add_dict])
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/action/" + config_data['org_id']
res =
headers=headers(config_data, access_token),
if res.status_code != 200:
results = json.loads(res.text)
if results.get('notCompleted') == 1:
print("Not completed!")
return False
if results.get('completed') == 1:
return True
def _remove_product_from_user(config_data, products, user, access_token):
"""Remove products from user."""
add_dict = {
'user': user,
'do': [
'remove': {
'product': products
body = json.dumps([add_dict])
url = "https://" + config_data['host'] + config_data['endpoint'] + \
"/action/" + config_data['org_id']
res =
headers=headers(config_data, access_token),
if res.status_code != 200:
results = json.loads(res.text)
if results.get('notCompleted') == 1:
print("Not completed!")
return False
if results.get('completed') == 1:
return True

If you’ve been looking carefully, you’ll note that all of these functions start with _, indicating that they’re intended to be private module functions. Although Python doesn’t really enforce this, the reason is because I wrote this module to have internal data functions, and external/public convenience functions.

The public functions are all meant to be completely independent. The necessary work of generating the config data (the access token, JWT, etc.) should be abstracted away from the public use of these tools, and therefore we need internal functions to do all this work for us, and external public functions that others can call without needing to understand what they do.

We’ve covered all the private module functions, so now let’s get into the convenient public functions.

I’m Doing It For The Publicity

The public functions here should represent common queries that someone might want to use this module for.

Let’s start by providing a convenient list of Adobe product configurations:

def get_product_list():
"""Get list of products."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
productlist = _product_list(config_data, access_token)
products = []
for product in productlist:
return products

Take a look at this function, because you’ll see this same general strategy in all the rest of the public functions. We generate the config on the first line – by reading from the files on disk, and crafting the pieces we need on-demand. The config tuple is then used to feed the internal functions (in this case, _product_list() ). The end result is we get a nice Python list of all the product configurations, without any other unnecessary data.

We can do the same thing with users:

def get_user_list():
"""Get list of user emails."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
userlist = _user_list(config_data, access_token)
names = []
for user in userlist:
return names

Note that these two functions are essentially identical.

Straightforward request: does a user exist in our domain? Does this user already have a federated ID?

def user_exists(user):
"""Does the user exist already as a federated ID?"""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
result = _user_data(
if result.get('type') == 'federatedID':
return True
return False

Note that the above function can be slightly misleading. It only returns True if the user’s type is “federated ID”. This doesn’t technically answer the question of “does this user exist at all”, but specifically answers “does this federated ID exist”?

Another useful query: does the user have a specific product entitlement?

def does_user_have_product(target_user, product):
"""Return True/False if a user has the specified product."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
membership = _products_per_user(config_data, access_token, target_user)
return product in membership

While we’re on the topic of user management, here are public functions for adding and removing users:

def add_user(email, firstname, lastname, country='US'):
"""Add federated user account."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
result = _add_federated_user(
return result
def remove_user(email):
"""Remove user account."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
result = _remove_user_from_org(
return result

Finally, we get the last pieces we want – public functions to add and remove product entitlements to users:

def add_products(desired_products, target_user):
"""Add products to specific user."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
productlist = _product_list(config_data, access_token)
userlist = _user_list(config_data, access_token)
names = []
for user in userlist:
products = []
for product in productlist:
if target_user not in names:
print("Didn't find %s in userlist" % target_user)
return False
for product in desired_products:
if product not in products:
print("Didn't find %s in product list" % product)
return False
result = _add_product_to_user(
return result
def remove_products(removed_products, target_user):
"""Remove products from specific user."""
(config_data, jwt_token, access_token) = generate_config()
productlist = _product_list(config_data, access_token)
userlist = _user_list(config_data, access_token)
names = []
for user in userlist:
products = []
for product in productlist:
if target_user not in names:
print("Didn't find %s in userlist" % target_user)
return False
for product in removed_products:
if product not in products:
print("Didn't find %s in product list" % product)
return False
result = _remove_product_from_user(
return result

This module, all together, creates the adobe_tools Python module.

So… What Do I Do With This?

We have a good start here, but this is just the code to interact with the API. The ultimate goal is a user-driven self-service interaction with the API so that users can add themselves and get whatever products they want.

In order for Munki to make use of this, this module, along with the usermanagement.config and private.key files above, needs to be installed on your clients. There are a few different ways to make that happen, but shipping custom Python modules is outside the scope of this post. Suffice to say, let’s assume that you get to the point where opening up the Python interpreter and typing import adobe_tools works.

We’re going to use Munki to make that happen, but we’ll need a little bit more code first.

Adding A User And Their Product On-Demand

Before we get into the Munki portion, let’s solve the first problem: easily adding a product to a user. We have all the building blocks in the module above, but now we need to put it together into a cohesive script.

This is the “” script:

"""Add Adobe products to user on-demand."""
import sys
# If you need to make sure this is always in your path, use:
# sys.path.append('/path/to/your/lib')
# Example:
# sys.path.append('/opt/facebook/lib')
import adobe_tools
target_product = sys.argv[1]
def getconsoleuser():
"""Get the current console user."""
from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser
cfuser = SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None)
return cfuser[0]
me = getconsoleuser()
email = "" % me
# I'm cheating a bit here, just go with it
firstname = me
lastname = me
country = 'US'
def log(message):
"""Log with tag."""
print (
# Do I exist as a user?
if not adobe_tools.user_exists(email):
log("Creating account for %s" % email)
# Add the user
success = adobe_tools.add_user(email, firstname, lastname, country)
if not success:
log("Failed to create account for %s" % email)
# Does the user already have the product?
log("Checking to see if %s already has %s" % (email, target_product))
already_have = adobe_tools.does_user_have_product(email, target_product)
if already_have:
log("User %s already has product %s" % (email, target_product))
# Add desired product
log("Adding %s entitlement to %s" % (target_product, email))
result = adobe_tools.add_products([target_product], email)
if not result:
log("Failed to add product %s to %s" % (target_product, email))

You run this script and pass it a product configuration. It detects the current logged in user, and if that user doesn’t already have a federated ID, it creates one. Then it checks to see if the user already has that product entitlement, and if not, it adds that product to the user.

There’s a bit of handwaving done there, and some assumptions made – especially in regards to the logged in user and the email account. If you already have an existing mechanism for obtaining this data (such as code for doing LDAP queries, or some other endpoint/database you can query for this info), you can easily add that in.

This script needs to go somewhere accessible on your clients, so put it anywhere you think makes sense – /usr/local/bin, or /usr/local/libexec, or /opt/yourcompany/bin or anything like that. That’s up to you.

Feeding the Munki

At this point, we’ve got four items on the clients that we need:

  • /opt/facebook/lib/
  • /opt/facebook/bin/
  • /opt/facebook/usermanagement.config
  • /opt/facebook/private.key

We’ve made the simple assumption that /opt/facebook/lib is in the Python PATH (as shown in the gist above, we can use a simple sys.path.append() to ensure that).

The only part left is providing the actual Munki items for users to interact with via Managed Software

Although it isn’t covered in depth on the wiki, we can use Munki “nopkg” type items to simply run scripts without installing any packages. We’re going to combine this with using OnDemand style items so that users can click the “Install” button to get results done, but there’s no persistent state being checked. This essentially means we run the script every time the user clicks the button, which is why it’s important to be idempotent.

With everything on the client, our pkginfo is quite simple:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt;
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Add Adobe Photoshop CC To My Panel</string>
/usr/bin/python /opt/facebook/bin/ "Default Photoshop CC – 0 GB Configuration"

Note that Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App is listed as a requirement. That’s not entirely true, but I think it makes a bit more sense for the user that they get all the pieces they need to actually use the software after clicking the Install button.

I’ve also added in the icon for Photoshop CC, although that’s purely cosmetic.

Add this pkginfo to your repo, run makecatalogs, and try it out!  Logs look something like this:

CPE-add_adobe[85246]: Checking to see if already has Default Photoshop CC - 0 GB Configuration
CPE-add_adobe[85250]: Adding Default Photoshop CC - 0 GB Configuration entitlement to
CPE-add_adobe[85263]: Done.

After that, log into Adobe CCDA and the software will be listed there for installation.

Now Add Them All!

Add one of these pkginfos for each of your product configurations that you want users to select. The end result looks kind of nice:


After clicking all of the buttons, CCDA looks very satisfied:


Self-service Adobe CCDA app selection, using Munki and the Adobe User Management API. No more packaging, no more CCP!


Some Caveats and Criticisms

Despite the niftiness of this approach, there’s some issues to be aware of.

The API Key Is A Megaphone

The main problem with this approach is that the API private key has no granular access over what it can and can’t do. The only thing you can’t do with the API private key is make a given user a “System Administrator” on the Enterprise dashboard. But you can add and remove user accounts, add and remove product entitlements to users, and make users product admins of whatever they want.

In most cases, this isn’t a huge deal, but there’s some potential for mischief here. If every single client machine has the private key and necessary config data to make requests to the API, any single client can do something like “remove all users from the domain.” What happens to your data stored in Creative Cloud if your federated ID is removed? I imagine we’d probably prefer not to find out the nuances of having your account removed while using it.

There are some different ideas to address this, though. Instead of storing the key and usermanagement config file on the disk persistently, we could potentially query an endpoint hosted internally for them and use them for the duration of the script. In this theoretical scenario, you could control access to that endpoint, perhaps requiring users to authenticate ahead of time, or logging / controlling access to it.

Throttling Requests

One thing I didn’t mention above at all is that the number of requests in a given time frame need to be throttled. Adobe has great documentation on this, including some exponential back-off code samples. We didn’t implement any of this in this initial proof-of-concept, but if you’re going to roll this to a large production environment, you’ll almost certainly need to handle the return value indicating “too many requests.”

Munki State-Checks

If you wanted to take this further, we could actually turn off OnDemand for these Munki items. Using an installcheck_script, we could query whether or not a given product was added for a given user, and that would change the state of the “Add Photoshop CC To My Panel” to installed, and thus the button in Munki would correspond to “Add or Remove this app from my account.”

Generally, what I suspect is that most users will probably never particularly want to remove a product entitlement from themselves, since it doesn’t actually correspond to what’s installed or not. So changing Munki to reflect state probably doesn’t accomplish too much.

No Way To Trigger Installs

The only major feature request I really wish existed was a way to trigger CCDA into installing a product entitlement. All we can do is add or remove the entitlements to user accounts, but we can’t actually install them for the user (through CCDA).

You could build a Named license package through CCP and actually distribute that directly in your Munki repo, but then you’re essentially back to the same point you were before: you still need to add the entitlement to the user, you still need to package each release / new version of the product, and you still need close to 60 GB (or more!) to store all of the CC packages. About the only thing you’re doing differently compared to serialized licenses is that you don’t have to worry about the serialization package anymore.

You can trigger updates using Remote Update Manager, but that doesn’t provide a mechanism to “Install Photoshop from CCDA.” So no matter what we do, we still rely on the user to log in to CCDA and press the button.

Bandwidth vs. Network

Because this method relies on the user installing from CCDA, that means the Adobe software is being deployed from the Internet. That means internet bandwidth is used to install these, not local network bandwidth. For orgs with smaller internet pipes, this could be significant cost or time sinks.

As I mentioned above, if bandwidth is an issue, you could package up the named licenses with CCP and distribute them via Munki. That would allow you to use your local network bandwidth rather than internet pipes.


Final Summary

Well, it works.

Suppressing Adobe CC 2015 Splash Screens

Adobe has released new version of the CC apps, now called the “2015” versions. With the new Adobe CC apps comes new behavior.

Many of thew new CC 2015 apps have new splash screens. Some of them use a new welcome screen called “Hello” which is actually an interactive web page that requires network connection to function. This has resulted in some problems) for some users or bad network conditions.

Even if it works fine, it’s an extra step for users who just want to get started. In some cases, I’d prefer to suppress this welcome screen if possible. Here’s how you can do it for the new CC 2015 products:

Centrally managed

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign:

These apps are helpfully documented by Adobe. It involves downloading a file called “prevent_project_hello_launching.jsx” and placing it into the startup scripts folders for the Adobe software.

Here’s a script to build a package to do this, once you download the file and extract it from the .zip:

temppath="$(mktemp -d -t AdobePSIDIL)"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe Photoshop/"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe InDesign/"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Illustrator 2015/"
/bin/cp prevent_project_hello_launching.jsx "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe Photoshop/"
/bin/cp prevent_project_hello_launching.jsx "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe InDesign/"
/bin/cp prevent_project_hello_launching.jsx "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Illustrator 2015/"
/usr/bin/pkgbuild –root "$temppath" –identifier "org.sacredsf.adobe.psidil.welcome" –version 1.0 AdobePSIDIL-Welcome.pkg


After Effects uses the same “Startup Scripts CC” folder as the ones above, but requires a slightly different script.
Place this content into /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe After Effects/suppress_welcome.jsx:

app.preferences.savePrefAsBool("General Section", "Show Welcome Screen", false) ;

Alternatively, you can also just run this script to build a package to do this (you do not need to save the above file):

temppath="$(mktemp -d -t AdobeAfterEffects)"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe After Effects"
echo "app.preferences.savePrefAsBool(\"General Section\", \"Show Welcome Screen\", false) ;" > "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe After Effects/after_effects.jsx"
/usr/bin/pkgbuild –root "$temppath" –identifier "org.sacredsf.adobe.aftereffects.welcome" –version 1.0 AdobeAfterEffects-Welcome.pkg

Lightroom 6

Lightroom 6, thankfully, uses the built in preference system. All the settings are stored in ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Lightroom6.plist, and can be changed using defaults.

Lightroom launches a barrage of messages, notices, and prompts at the user when it first launches, but they all correspond to preference keys that can be changed or managed. Here are the preference keys:

firstLaunchHasRun30 = 1
noAutomaticallyCheckUpdates = 1
noSplashScreenOnStartup = 1
"" = 1
"Showed_Sync_Walkthrough" = 1
HighBeamParticipationNoticeHasShowed = 1

Here’s a profile that will configure those settings as well.

Per-user Preferences


Unfortunately, Dreamweaver doesn’t seem to have any nice mechanism for centrally managing the preferences via startup scripts or anything. The only way I’ve discovered to manage this is by copying in a pre-fabbed “Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs” file into the preferences folder, which is located at:
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs.

To apply this setting to all users, we need to deploy it to a central location (such as /Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs, which is simply the non-user-specific equivalent of the preferences path), and then copy it into each user’s Library at login. We can use Outset to accomplish this easily.

These are the settings you need to provide in the Prefs file that will turn off the hello page on startup (including first run). Save this file as “Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs”:

show hello page=FALSE

This script will be run by Outset to copy the preferences file from a centralized Library location into the user account’s correct Preferences location:

/bin/cp -f "/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs" "$HOME/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs"

Download and save this script as “”. The ending destination for this script is going to be /usr/local/outset/login-once/, which will trigger the first time a user logs in.

This script will build the package that will deposit all the necessary files in the right places, once you’ve downloaded and saved the two files above (the script, and Prefs file):

temppath="$(mktemp -d -t AdobeDreamweaver)"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Preferences/"
/bin/cp "Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs" "$temppath/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Prefs"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once"
/bin/chmod ugo+x
/bin/cp "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once/"
/bin/mkdir "scripts"
/bin/cp "scripts/postinstall"
/usr/bin/pkgbuild –root "$temppath" –identifier "org.sacredsf.adobe.dreamweaver.welcome" –scripts "scripts" –version 1.0 AdobeDreamweaver-Welcome.pkg


Muse has the same problem as Dreamweaver. You will need to drop a pre-configured “helloPrefStore.xml” into the Muse preferences folder, which is located at:
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/helloPrefStore.xml

As with Dreamweaver, we’ll deploy this file into a central location (such as /Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/helloPrefStore.xml), and then copy it into each user’s Library at login with Outset.

Save this file as helloPrefStore.xml in a local directory:


This script will be run by Outset to copy the preferences file from a centralized Library location into the user account’s correct Preferences location:

/bin/cp -f "/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/helloPrefStore.xml" "$HOME/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/helloPrefStore.xml"

Download and save this script as “”. The ending destination for this script is going to be /usr/local/outset/login-once/, which will trigger the first time a user logs in.

This script will build the package that will deposit all the necessary files in the right places, once you’ve downloaded and saved the two files above (the script, and XML file):

temppath="$(mktemp -d -t AdobeMuse)"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/"
/bin/cp helloPrefStore.xml "$temppath/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Muse CC/2015.0/"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once"
/bin/chmod ugo+x
/bin/cp "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once/"
/bin/mkdir "scripts"
/bin/cp "scripts/postinstall"
/usr/bin/pkgbuild –root "$temppath" –identifier "org.sacredsf.adobe.muse.welcome" –scripts "scripts" –version 1.0 AdobeMuse-Welcome.pkg

Required welcome screens

Edge Animate

Unlike some of the other CC applications, Edge Animate CC 2015’s welcome screen is required to load the rest of the app content. The welcome screen serves as the entrypoint into creating or loading up a project (similar to iMovie or GarageBand’s introductory windows). The welcome screen will appear regardless of whether or not you have a project available or previously opened, and closing the welcome screen will quit the application.

Flash CC

Flash CC uses the welcome screen as part of its window templates, so it can’t be suppressed.


Similar to Edge Animate, the welcome screen is a required way to access projects. However, by default, it will show this window every startup regardless of whether or not you are loading a project already.

You can uncheck that box by default by pre-providing a stripped down copy of Adobe Prelude’s preferences file, located at ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Prelude/4.0/Adobe Prelude Prefs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PremiereData Version="3">
<Preferences ObjectRef="1"/>
<Preferences ObjectID="1" ClassID="f06902ec-e637-4744-a586-c26202143e36" Version="30">
<Properties Version="1">

You can use the same mechanism as described above in Muse to do so. Save the above gist as “Adobe Prelude Prefs”.

Save this Outset script as “”:

/bin/cp -f "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Prelude/4.0/Adobe Prelude Prefs" "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Prelude/4.0/Adobe Prelude Prefs"

Use this script to build a package for it:

temppath="$(mktemp -d -t AdobePreludePro)"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Prelude/4.0/"
/bin/cp Adobe\ Prelude\ Prefs "$temppath/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Prelude/4.0/Adobe Prelude Prefs"
/bin/mkdir -p "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once"
/bin/chmod ugo+x
/bin/cp "$temppath/usr/local/outset/login-once/"
/bin/mkdir "scripts"
/bin/cp "scripts/postinstall"
/usr/bin/pkgbuild –root "$temppath" –identifier "org.sacredsf.adobe.prelude.welcome" –scripts "scripts" –version 1.0 AdobePrelude-Welcome.pkg

Just remember that you cannot completely suppress the Prelude welcome screen, but you can prevent it from coming up by default in the future.

Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro displays a similar “Hello” welcome screen that Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator do. With Premiere Pro, like Adobe Prelude, the splash screen will always display on startup if no default project has been selected / created. Otherwise, it will open the last project. It does not seem possible to isolate a specific key to disable the welcome screen – if anyone finds one, please let me know in the comments!

Premiere Pro’s preferences are stored in ~/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/9.0/Profile-/Adobe Premiere Pro Prefs.

Although I’m not sure what happens if you make changes here, it also lists a “SystemPrefPath” as /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Premiere Pro Cc 2015. You may be able to centralize preferences there.

CC applications with no welcome screens:

  • Audition
  • Character Animator (Preview)
  • InCopy
  • Media Encoder
  • SpeedGrade

Adobe CC 2015: Another Circle Around The Drain

Well, Adobe has updated the CC products to 2015 versions. That means another day spent dedicated to downloading and building packages via CCP.

In my previous blog post about Adobe CC, I covered how to mass-import them into Munki while still addressing the nasty uninstaller bug.

The Uninstaller Bug

As described in the previous post (linked above), the problem with device-based licensing for Adobe is that the uninstallers are very aggressive. Uninstalling a single device-based package will nuke the licensing for all other Adobe software that is licensed with that same serial number. In other words, if you install Photoshop CC and Dreamweaver CC, and uninstall Dreamweaver CC, Photoshop CC will complain that it is not licensed and needs to be fixed (and thus won’t run).

That’s irritating.

To address this, one solution is to use the Serial number installer package with the Named License uninstaller package. The Named License uninstaller will not nuke the entire license database on that machine. This allows us to successfully install and uninstall without affecting other Adobe products on the machine.

Note: There are other issues with this approach if you do not have unlimited licensing agreements (ETLA), please see the previous blog post for details.

The simplest way to handle this is to create two folders – “CC Packages” and “CC NoSerial Packages”. Use CCP to create Serial Number licensing packages in the “CC Packages” folder for all new CC 2015 products. Then create a Named license package for the same product in the “CC NoSerial Packages.”

IMPORTANT NOTE about Munki: The import script will use filenames as item names. You may wish to either create your CCP packages with “2015” as a suffix to differentiate it from the previous versions, or adjust the names in the pkginfo files manually, or adjust your manifests to include the appropriate new item names. Also, you may need to adjust icon names. You probably don’t want to reuse the same item name for CC 2015 products as CC 2014 products, otherwise Munki may try to install Adobe updates imported via aamporter on versions that are too high.

Importing The Packages Into Munki

Now that you have two copies of each product in separate folders, we can combine the right parts to allow easy importing into Munki.

Copy the Uninstaller packages from the “CC NoSerial Packages” folder for each product into the equivalent “CC Packages” product folder.

End result is that the “CC Packages” folder will now contain each of the separate CCP products, each of which will contain a “Build” folder with the Serial Number license installer, and a Named license uninstaller.

Now we can run Tim Sutton’s mass Adobe CC import script. Before executing, however, you may wish to open it up and change Line 42 to “2015”:

    "--subdirectory", "apps/Adobe/CC/2014",
    "--developer", "Adobe",
    "--category", "Creativity",


    "--subdirectory", "apps/Adobe/CC/2015",
    "--developer", "Adobe",
    "--category", "Creativity",

Now you can run the script on your “CC Packages” folder:
./ CC\ Packages

The script will create the appropriate install and uninstall DMGs, and pkginfos for all of these products. Don’t forget to run makecatalogs afterwards.

In my initial testing, none of the CC 2015 apps produced any errors or problems installing or uninstalling via Munki.

Fixing Adobe CCP’s Broken Uninstallers

I wrote previously about Adobe Creative Cloud products and Munki.

It’s an ongoing struggle.

This week, I discovered a rather unfriendly issue with the process. If you use Serial Number Licensing (i.e. serialized per-device installs) in Creative Cloud Packager (CCP), you get an Installer.pkg and Uninstaller.pkg that contains all the CC products you checked the boxes for. In most cases, with some exceptions, the Uninstaller packages do the right thing with Munki and uninstall the product.
Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 9.48.40 AM

However, because these packages are all serialized, if you uninstall any serialized package, it removes the serialization from the device completely. This will break any existing CC apps still remaining on the machine.

More specific example:

  1. Create a Serial Number CCP package for Photoshop CC.
  2. Create a Serial Number CCP package for Dreamweaver CC.
  3. Install them both on the same machine / VM.
  4. Launch both Photoshop CC and Dreamweaver CC.
  5. Use the CCP Uninstaller package for Dreamweaver CC on that machine.
  6. Try to launch Photoshop.

Instead of Photoshop launching as you’d expect, you’re instead greeted by the Adobe Application Manager asking you to sign in and serialize your product – because there are no longer any serialization data on the device.

Uninstalling any CCP-generated product like this will completely remove all serialization.

I spoke to Adobe about this, and this was the response:
Screenshot 2015-04-22 12.20.43

Not great news – this is “semi-expected” behavior, and is potentially a huge problem.

Who Does This Affect?

Anyone who generates CCP packages for individual CC products using Serial Number Licensing can be affected by this. Admins already using Named Licensing will not encounter this issue.

The Solution

Patrick Fergus brought to my attention a clever idea. Since CCP allows the creation of both serialized (Serial Number Licensing) and non-serialized (Named Licensing) packages, we might already have a solution in place. The non-serialized packages don’t uninstall the serialization – because they never install it in the first place.

Thus, it’s possible to combine a serialized installer with a non-serialized uninstaller.

Here’s the general workflow:

  1. Create a Serial Number-licensed CCP package for Photoshop CC.
  2. Create a Serial Number-licensed CCP package for Dreamweaver CC.
  3. Install them both on the same machine / VM.
  4. Launch both Photoshop CC and Dreamweaver CC.
  5. Create a Name-licensed (non-serialized) CCP package for Dreamweaver CC.
  6. Use the Name-licensed (non-serialized) Uninstaller package for Dreamweaver CC to uninstall Dreamweaver on that machine.
  7. Try to launch Photoshop.
  8. It works! Photoshop launches as expected.

Using This Solution With Munki

Incorporating this into Munki is a bit more work.

If you’re starting fresh and haven’t already imported the Adobe CC products yet, you’re in luck, because this is relatively simple. Otherwise, we have to fix the pkginfos for each of the products in the repo.

Haven’t Yet Imported Adobe CC Products Into Munki:

The first step is to read the Munki wiki page about Adobe CC products.

Before you run Tim Sutton’s munkiimport script for CC installers, there’s some setup to be done.

You’ll need to run CCP twice for each package – once to create the Serial Number-licensed installer, and once to create the Name-license installer.

Copy/overwrite the Uninstaller packages from the Name-license versions into the Build folders for each Serial Number-licensed CCP package you created. The end goal here is that each product should be using the Serial Number Installer package and Named Uninstaller package.

Now go ahead and run Tim Sutton’s munkiimport script, and it will do the right thing.

Test thoroughly!

Fixing existing Adobe CC products in a Munki repo:

If you’ve already used Tim Sutton’s munkiimport script for CC installers to import your existing CC packages, it’s now time to fix the broken uninstallers.

You’ll need to run the CCP packages again for each product you want to fix – this time using Named licensing instead of Serial Number licensing, to create non-serialized packages. You can safely delete the Installer.pkg files to save space, as you don’t need them – you only need to keep the ~4mb Uninstaller.pkg files.

Next, you need to wrap each of the Uninstaller.pkg files in a DMG to replace the existing uninstaller DMGs in your Munki repo. You can do this using the same method munkiimport does:
hdiutil create -srcFolder /path/to/Named/Build /path/to/nonserialized/uninstaller.dmg

If I’m creating an uninstaller DMG for Adobe After Effects CC, for example:
hdiutil create -srcFolder Adobe/CC_Packages-NoSerial/AfterEffectsCCNoSerial/Build AfterEffectsCC_Uninstall-13.0.0.dmg
It’s important to make sure that the name of the DMG you are creating is identical to the one you are replacing.

The pkginfo files also need to be fixed for each product. Since the uninstaller items are being replaced, the hash sums for these DMGs must also be replaced with the new one – or Munki will complain that the hashes don’t much and won’t uninstall.

To calculate the SHA256 sum of the DMG, use this command:
shasum -a 256 /path/to/uninstaller.dmg
Then copy the resulting hash (the long string of letters and numbers) into the value of the uninstaller_item_hash key for each pkginfo you are replacing the uninstaller DMG for.

Copy the uninstaller DMGs to the Munki repo in exactly the same place as the previous ones, overwriting the previous DMGs.

Finally, run makecatalogs.

Test thoroughly!

Obvious Downsides

There’s one major issue here – uninstalling an Adobe CC product that was installed with serialization in this manner will not remove the serialization for that product on the device. In other words, if you are trying to count the number of licenses for Photoshop you have, uninstalling Photoshop CC via the Named-license uninstaller will not give you your license back (in the eyes of Adobe).

More than that, even if you uninstall all Adobe CC products from a machine using these non-serialized uninstallers, it won’t actually remove the serialization at the end. According to Adobe licensing, the device will still be using up a seat at the table.

With an ETLA agreement, where we have unlimited licenses and pay annual cost based on the number of Full-Time Employees, this isn’t an issue in our environment. But for anyone who has limited licenses of any of the products, this is an issue that has to be accounted for and worked around.

Possible solutions

If the goal is to remove all serialization from a machine after removing all Adobe CC products, you can use CCP to create a “License File package” – which isn’t actually a package, but a collection of files that includes a binary to serialize, and one to remove all serialization. This “RemoveVolumeSerial” binary (which is not an editable script!) could be run on the machines to remove all serialization.

If you need to remove a specific product license but leave the others untouched, you may have to look into the Adobe Provisioning Toolkit to accomplish what you need.

Wrestling Adobe CC into Munki

Adobe Creative Cloud is one of those things that admins just can’t escape. Sooner or later some creative or smart person at any given organization is going to stop and think, “Wow, I could really go for some Photoshop right about now,” and then there’s budget THIS and committee THAT and one way or another, you, the admin, end up with 20 GB of Adobe products sitting in your lap and a request to give everyone exactly what they want.

Then of course you discover that Adobe isn’t very good at packaging, and that they expect you actually do all the work yourself. Of course they’ll provide you the basic tool – Creative Cloud Packager – to download and create these packages for you. But it’s still on you to get those all ready.

That’s kind of annoying.

I recently went through this process and boy do I have annoyance enough to share with the whole class. Since I suffered through this, I wish to hopefully make it easier for future generations to deploy Adobe CC using Munki without having to reinvent the wheel completely.

First and foremost, read this page I wrote on the Munki wiki. It describes the process of importing CCP packages into Munki, along with importing updates using Timothy Sutton’s aamporter.

Missing from this wiki page, however, are two things that may be of use to Munki admins: icons, and descriptions.


Getting icons for 25 different Adobe applications is a royal pain. Independently opening up each app bundle and searching through Contents/Resources/ for the right .icns file is not fun, because, well, there are a lot of them.

I got tired of doing that after the first one, so I tried to figure out a way I could speed up the process.

I simplified the extraction process using an ugly find:
find /Applications/Adobe\ Dreamweaver\ CC\ 2014.1/*.app/Contents/Resources -name "*.icns" -execdir sips -s format png '{}' --out ~/Desktop/$(basename '{}').png \;

That copies all of the .icns files out from inside the Dreamweaver app bundle onto my Desktop, converting them to png format using sips. I still needed to manually sort through all the icons to figure out which one corresponded to the .app bundle’s actual icon.

Being Adobe, they’re not all named consistently, so I can’t just look for the same filename in each application. Some of them are named the same (commonly “appIcon.icns”), so I also can’t extract each of the different applications’ icons into the same folder, because then I’d overwrite some of them.

I realized, ultimately, there was no pretty way to do this.

Instead, I dutifully recorded all the icon names for each Adobe CC application, and wrote a script that would use sips to copy them out into PNG format to a folder of my choice (such as the icons directory of my Munki repo).

That project can be found in my Github repo here.

The script follows as well, for convenience:

[ -z "$1" ] && echo "This script requires a path to output the app icons in PNG format."
# Use /usr/bin/sips to copy the app icon out of the App bundle for each of the Adobe CC products
# and convert into png format
# Acrobat Pro 11
APP="/Applications/Adobe Acrobat XI Pro/Adobe Acrobat"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# After Effects CC 2014
APP="/Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2014/Adobe After Effects CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Audition CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Audition CC 2014/Adobe Audition CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Bridge CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Bridge CC/Adobe Bridge"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Dreamweaver CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1/Adobe Dreamweaver CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Edge Animate
APP="/Applications/Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014.1/Adobe Edge Animate CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Edge Code
APP="/Applications/Adobe Edge Code"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Edge Reflow
APP="/Applications/Adobe Edge Reflow"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Extendscript Toolkit CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC/ExtendScript"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Extension Manager CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CC/Adobe Extension Manager"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Fireworks CS6
APP="/Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS6/Adobe Fireworks"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Flash Builder 4.7 Premium
APP="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/Adobe Flash Builder"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Flash CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Flash CC 2014/Adobe Flash CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Illustrator CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2014/Adobe"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# InDesign CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2014/Adobe InDesign CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Media Encoder CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014/Adobe Media Encoder CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Muse CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Muse CC 2014/Adobe Muse CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Lightroom
APP="/Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Prelude CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Prelude CC 2014/Adobe Prelude CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Premiere Pro CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014/Adobe Premiere Pro CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# Scout CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe Scout"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"
# SpeedGrade CC
APP="/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2014/Adobe SpeedGrade CC"
if [[ -d "$APP" ]]; then
/usr/bin/sips -s format png "$APP/Contents/Resources/$APP_ICON" –out "$1/$OUTPUT_PNG"

The script will check for the existence of each of the Adobe CC products that can be packaged with Creative Cloud Packager (as of writing time), and then pull out the icon if it’s present.

That made it a bit easier for me to give all of my separate Adobe CC apps in Munki nice shiny icons.

The two exceptions are Adobe Exchange Panel CS6, and Gaming SDK. Neither of them install an app with an icon contained inside as their primary executable, so I had to manually download logos from Adobe’s website.


Sadly, descriptions are a bit more work to come by. The best I’ve found so far is from this page on Adobe’s website. I simply copied and pasted those blurbs into my pkginfos.

Update: Pepijn Bruienne brought to my attention that also makes a great source of descriptions, that are generally more verbose than the blurbs on the Adobe site I mentioned above.

Here’s an example from MacUpdate for Adobe Acrobat Pro:

Adobe Acrobat allows users to communicate and collaborate more effectively and securely. Unify a wide range of content in a single organized PDF Portfolio. Collaborate through electronic document reviews. Create and manage dynamic forms. And help protect sensitive information.